Medway Parents & Carers Forum

An independent parent led group

MPCF is an independent parent led group of parents and carers of young people (0-25) with all types of disabilities and additional support needs.

We bring together parent carers from across Medway to provide mutual support, share knowledge, and influence policy and practice. Our aim is to ensure better outcomes for families through participation and co-production.

Welcome to MPCF

We are an independent parent led charity who work with (not for) the local authority, health and local services to improve services for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and their families.

To ensure all our children have the best chance in life and receive support and services needed to reach their full potential, we work alongside Medway Council and Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning group. We attend meetings, training sessions and workshops to make sure parent carers’ voices and children’s needs are being heard, helping plan and develop the quality, range, and accessibility of services, creating better outcomes for families through participation and co-production.

View Our Events Calendar

We offer coffee mornings, training and workshops both in person and online. Meet the professional events with a chance to meet with representatives of local service providers including Medway Council and Kent and Medway CCG.

Members Messages

Here are a few of our favourite messages from our wonderful members


It helps to know someone is listening when you feel down and it is good that the forum understands what parents are going through.



It nice to have meetings with representatives of the different authorities like the recent ones with SEN Transport and Medway Council Children’s Services.



The Forum is good at getting information passed out to parents and for signposting.



Thank you for such a lovely helpful session and your support.



I appreciate all the time and effort you put in.



Helped me realise I’m not going through this alone.


Join Our Forum

Many families of children with SEN feel isolated and find it difficult to share their experiences with those outside the SEN community, join us to connect with other local parents and carers in similar situations, share your views and experiences without judgement. Benefit from training on topics such as ECHP’s and give your feedback on local services like school transport. Make your voice part of the collective feedback that can make changes for the future of SEN services in Medway.


C/o Snapdragons Centre, Cliffe Rd, Rochester ME2 3FF


Call: 07813 123984


Open Hours:

Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM