Family Hubs & Start for Life
Parent Carer Panel

Family Hubs and Start for Life
Parent Carer Panel

Thank you for showing an interest in becoming part of the new Parent Carer Panel for the family hubs in Medway. Helping make sure that services for babies and families are the best they can be.

Here in Medway, the panel is being facilitated by Medway Parents and Carers Forum. We want your input help to improve the services that all parents and carers can access from pregnancy through to their child’s early years. Please join Medway’s parent and carer panel and tell us what you think.

Who can join the panel

We would love to hear from you if you are either currently expecting a baby or have a baby under the age of 2. We want to hear from a diverse group of parents and carers to ensure we listen to all voices in the community.

This means that you do not need to have taken part in anything like this before. If you’re willing to share your experiences of pregnancy, having a baby and accessing services then we’d love to hear from you.

What happens parent and carer panel meetings?

Topics for discussion will be varied – for example, you might be asked about your experience of meeting your midwife for the first time or accessing parenting classes.

We are interested in your experiences. 

The information you share will be used anonymously to shape and improve services in Medway.

We will take notes from the meetings, but no personally identifiable information will be recorded or shared beyond the meeting.

Where and when meetings will be held

We know that parents and carers are busy. We will work with the panel to find a times and venues that works for as many of the group as possible. This means the meetings may be online or in person.

How long you can be part of the panel


As it’s new we are suggesting that anyone can be part of the panel, and you are welcome to remain part of the panel for at least 6 months after your youngest child turns 2 years old.

Leaving the panel

You are free to leave the panel at any point.